Documentation Design
Knowledge Management
Web Page Design
Multimedia Design
Internet or CD-ROM Distribution

2POINT2 provides Technical Communication services that are focused on Interactive Information design.

These services include Documentation Design, Web Page Design, and Multimedia Design.

Documentation Design includes Technical Writing, Technical Illustrating, and Documentation Publication and Distribution (CD or Online).

2POINT2 supports Information Technology and Industrial applications with usable documentation that is designed to be an interactive and effective resource for your suppliers and customers.

2POINT2 can also provide SGML and XML authoring, DTD development, documentation management, knowledge management, and other publication services.

Technical Publications:

Online Documentation Formats:

Documentation Clients:

2POINT2 also provides Web Page, Animation, and Mulimedia design services for businesses, artists, musicians, television, and film production.

These services include:

Online Multimedia Formats:

Web Page Samples:

Technical Animation Samples:

Multimedia Animation Samples:

For more information please contact:

1009 Jasper Ave
Houghton, MI 49931

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